Tuesday, March 5, 2013

oh golly!

True-life conversation between my 8 year-old and my husband on one of their dates around Christmas time (which I keep forgetting to put up here for posterity):

Natalie: Dad, we need to get mom a job.
Henry: Why? Don’t you think your mom has enough to do?
Natalie: On Friday she just laid around all day watching t.v.
Henry: She’s sick…
Natalie: Well, when I stay home sick she makes me clean my room!


  1. tht was too funny! and you have the hardest job there is. Have a great day. Becky in NC

  2. Oh that's great!! Love their perceptions of what we do all day! :)

  3. lol! oh my gooodness. We had a similar conversation a few weeks back but it wasn't about getting me a job...my 5 year old (going on 15 I swear) asked since shes not allowed to take a bath with the boys, how come mommy can shower with daddy? LOL
