We have so much FUN stuff going on this week. I can't wait to share it all with you, but first a recap of the weekend. Due to all the crazy weather last week (which really was just rain for us) the Halloween parties at school were postponed to Friday and Trick-or-Treating postponed to Saturday night.
Ainsley had a hard time narrowing what she wanted to dress up as this year. She was going to be a mummy up until a week before when she told me she wanted to be a fashion girl. When I asked her what that was, she told me we had to go to the store "to buy clothes." Very tricky indeed! I explained we weren't buying anything. She picked a few things from her closet, wore her high-heeled boots, and convinced me to let her wear make up for the day.
Natalie dressed up like a Native American.
We told the Tilleys to bring their costumes. Here's the kids all dressed up.
Austin as Batman, Carston as Yoda, Ryan as an M&M, Ainsley as a mouse, Native the Native, and Camryn the Cat. |
These were our first babies. They grew up together until last year, spending many evenings giggling and falling asleep upstairs while we parents played games on the first floor. We may have moved cities and get together much less often, but things haven't changed too much. There was still lots of giggling from the bedrooms and lots of playing games in the dining room.
Trick or Treating.
Ryan cycled through playing memory with me (on the side of our adult game), playing with the Austin and Carston, and watching movies.
This is where we were basically the ENTIRE weekend. We got up to fix the kids dinner and go potty.
Henry kept us laughing.
The kids built forts, fought, made up, played outside, watch movies, did a bat craft,
sorted candy, counted candy, traded candy, ate candy..... we have candy coming out our ears!
Our friends left this morning, but the fun's not over. The kids have off Monday and Tuesday for parent - teacher conferences. Today we have a Girl Scout service event and tomorrow we're headed to see my grandmother a few hours away. What's on tap for you?
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