Monday morning we bundled up and headed over to our local town's municipal building. Ainsley's troop is going through a Girl Scout journey called the Daisy Flower Garden. It walks them through the Girl Scout promise with the story of a, um, you guessed it, a flower garden.
All the Girl Scouts and leaders who came out to participate in today's TAP. |
One of the requirements of these journeys is a Take Action Project (TAP). It's basically a community service project linked with the journey theme.
Most of Ainsley's troop. (she's the one third from the left bundled in purple) |
One of the mothers of our Daisies was able to arrange planting 4 sections in the landscaping areas around our municipal building. Her employer donated the money for the patches and bulbs. So cool!
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Planting daffodils. |
We opened the TAP to other troops in the area.
Natalie in the foreground in white coat and blue hat. |
Natalie was able to plant bulbs with another girl from her troop.
See that snake in her hand? She threw it in the car last minute and used it to play a prank on the girls she was digging with.
Natalie and Riley |
After working hard the girls ate a snack and played a few games.
Playing duck duck goose |
My girls loved this project... we look forward to doing additional plantings in the spring.
P.S. I don't have any pictures, but we also had an Investiture Ceremony tonight for Ainsley. That's where the girls show they know the Girl Scout Promise and are officially pinned as Daisies (and thus, Girl Scouts).
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