Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The new dishwasher

I suggest only allowing this when you also want to mop the floors. 

"I cweanin', mommy"


  1. Such a cute "cweaner". How much does he charge?

  2. my kids also love to wash dishes. There was a time, when I was scrubbing my floors, and I scrub by hand and bucket, that they got the smart idea to undress down to their unders and use my floor as a slip in slide...! ugh .lol

  3. Julia could entertain herself for hours cleaning Tupperware when she was little.

  4. Ok...this is one adorable picture...of one adorable little boy!

    I used to always let my kids... and more recently, my grandkids play in the sink. They would help me wash the dishes...or I would let them wash their play dishes. They loved it!

    Yes, they would get soaking wet...but sometimes we'd just let them wear one of grandpa's t-shirts while I tossed their clothes in the dryer. And yes I'd have to mop up the floor...but hey, it's only water right?! (:>)

    Thanks for sharing this!

    Love, Linda
