Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Hello, my name is Ryan. Ever since the day I was born, I have had a tube to help me eat. First it was in my nose and then last August it was moved to my stomach. It's hard to be inconspicuous about it when I'm going shirtless. Several times my friends have said something like, "Hey, dude, you have something coming out of your side." Um, duh!

And sometimes, even when I'm wearing a shirt, it sticks out. (That's my cat behind me. She likes to steal the show.)

Tuesday I headed down to Children's for one more procedure before our upcoming move.

It made my mommy a very proud mommy.

And me one happy little boy.

Because now for the first time in my life, I have no equipment hooked to me.... at all. It's just me and my cuteness from now on. Here I am doing a catwalk for my mom.


  1. Oh how far you have come lil' King! What a seemingly small but yet huge mental milestone.

    Praying for you with the move and all it entails, having to pack for storage vs door-to-door move is definitely harder - we've done it. Praying for clarity of thought for you as you evaluate how to sort your belongings.


  2. Oh my gosh, I remember the day Chris had his g-tube removed and how wonderful (and freeing) it was. Congrats! Enjoy a nice tube free summer!!

    (Wendy - heart mom to Chris)

  3. AWESOME! What a wonderful day! To think, the little guy born at CNMC hooked up to soooo many things....and now hooked up to NOTHING! Wow! Just Wow!

  4. Fantastic!!! He looks great tubeless. He's an amazing boy.

  5. Can you say, "Glory"? Your post is awesome and so is our God.

  6. Tears in my eyes knowing how far your sweet man has come. Way to go Ryan for all the awesome progress. Think of all the supplies you don't have to think about any more! Yay!!

  7. HOOORAY!!!!! Can you believe how far this little guy has come! Praise be to God!

  8. Yay!!! It is so exciting to see how far you have come. You are truly a miracle and a blessing.

  9. Yeah for Ryan! How awesome is that, he's such a cutie pie.

  10. Who'd a thunk it? That precious smiling boy free at last!!!

  11. Wonderful!!! I love those little piggy toes sticking out! How DO they sit like that???

  12. Yay!!!!! I am so excited for Ryan! And for mommy too. I am glad that tube is gone...and our boy is free!!!!!

    Prayed for you all this morning with John at devotion time.

    You're in my heart!

    Love, Linda

  13. Praise the Lord! the LiL King aka Ryan is shining!!! Praying for you all daily!! :o) xoxo

  14. I love love love reading this. He is AMAZING and truly God's miracle. Shows the power and healing of God every day he exists!

  15. Miracles, miracles - I'm amazed!

    thanks for sharing -

    Beverly, Ohio

  16. Hurray for the great news!! That must be such a relief for both of you. :)


  17. Yeahhhh GO RYAN that litte boy makes this Grandma smile ear to ear. So happy for you. Jean

  18. Yay, Ryan! And Yay, Mommy! So great to see him free of tubes and so happy! (Btw, I'm with Rapunzel...lovin' those little toes!)

  19. This is GREAT! GREAT! GREAT! News! Halleluyah!

  20. That's great news!!! What a milestone! He's such a big boy now!
