Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Memories

We spent Memorial Day at Cunningham Falls near Thurmont, MD hiking and swimming. Ainsley started out the hike complaining she couldn't walk and that she was tired. A little pep talk about how many great things there would be to see on the trail brightened her mood.
"There's a spider's web!" she exclaimed.
"Wow," I said. "He probably worked on that all night. What a hard worker."
"Yea,"she said, "Spiders have to work hard to catch their food. They eat flies... just like frogs!"
"Except they only drink their blood," Natalie interjected. "A frog eats the whole thing."
We had stimulating conversations like this all day.

"We saw fun stuff today," Natalie said on the drive home. "We saw two snakes alive and two dead things... a raccoon and a deer. Fun things and sad things."
(can you see the snake camouflaged against the rock?)
After hiking, we headed over to the lake to cool off. Ainsley and Henry took a canoe ride... I wish I hadn't put my camera back in the car for safety. Ainsley looked so small and cute in her life jacket sitting opposite her father. They paddled around the lake for a good hour... Ainsley told me later she had such a good time and saw really pretty things. "I paddled a little," she said. "And they have baby life jackets that are so cute."
We parted ways at the park, me and the kids home and Henry to Pittsburgh.


  1. looks fun! I'm glad that you guys had a good time ;) and that Henry got to spend the day with you guys.

  2. I remember taking Henry IV there. Glad you had an awesome time.

  3. The falls is a special place for us.. Jeremy and I got engaged there!

  4. Okay, you just brought back so many childhood memories for me! We spent so many family days there... what a special place! Glad you all enjoyed it as well.
