Monday, April 25, 2011


We had a huge weekend with no time to post so there's a lot of catching up to do.

We started the weekend on Friday night at a Christian Sader. Sader is the Jewish Passover celebrating the night before the Israelites left the bondage of slavery in Egypt when the angel of the Lord came to kill the first born male in every household. The angel passed over those houses with the blood of a spotless lamb painted on their doorways.
(This Sader plate is missing it's egg thanks to Little Boy Blue, aka Ryan. He was hungry, what can I say?)

The Sader we attended, brought new meaning to the evening by celebrating the Christian's passover from slavery to sin into the freedom we have in Christ through his death and resurrection.

(Gavin Long, our host, leading the group through Sader)

There were so many guests, we were split into a few rooms.

Natalie and Daddy

Ryan was a busy boy getting into everything. But as long as he had food in his mouth he was quiet!

It was our first Sader, but something we would love to do again.

1 comment:

  1. Our church used to host a Passover Seder every year and it was such a neat experience! We have since moved out of state so we aren't able to participate, but your pictures brought back a lot of memories. It is such a wonderful visual. Glad you and your fmaily had a wonderful Easter weekend!
