Friday, April 22, 2011

“He whose life is one even and smooth path, will see but little of the glory of the Lord, for he has few occasions of self-emptying, and hence, but little fitness for being filled with the revelation of God. They who navigate little streams and shallow creeks, know but little of the God of tempests; but they who “do business in great waters,” these see his “wonders in the deep.” Among the huge Atlantic-waves of bereavement, poverty, temptation, and reproach, we learn the power of Jehovah, because we feel the littleness of man.

Thank God, then, if you have been led by a rough road: it is this which has given you your experience of God’s greatness and lovingkindness. Your troubles have enriched you with a wealth of knowledge to be gained by no other means: your trials have been the cleft of the rock in which Jehovah has set you, as he did his servant Moses, that you might behold his glory as it passed by. Praise God that you have not been left to the darkness and ignorance which continued prosperity might have involved, but that in the great fight of affliction, you have been capacitated for the outshinings of his glory in his wonderful dealings with you.”


I've been having a hard time writing my feelings this week. I think because I've been doing a lot of self-emptying. It's spring break but instead of having a list of fun things to do with the kids, I've been busy cleaning the house for showings, hosting coworkers, and running errands. We took one day to go to my sister's, but that's it. Additionally, the girls have been very emotional the last few weeks. Being home all day, every day has upped the ante. I'm so not ready for junior high! There were lots of crying fits that ended in blubbering, puffy faces. And by yesterday, they were not the only ones crying! I'm trying to figure them out, but as one who avoids her emotions, it's been difficult for me to help them voice what's going on inside their pretty little heads. But we will get there. And I've seen God's glory. And his love and compassion.

(Thanks Courtney and Jody for sharing the quote)


  1. The girls are probably getting upset about the move and don't know how to articulate that to you, so they just become more emotional and easily upset. The great thing about kids is that they adapt easily. Speaking from experience (having 15 and 9 year old daughters who are extremely un-alike in their emotions and how I have to handle them), there are days when I feel like my head is spinning. One doesn't want to be hugged or talked to when upset, the other wants to be held and reassured when upset. I'm sure you do a great job of mothering them all. Just know that there will be days when you feel like a failure, but you aren't. Being there for them is sometimes all that is required.

  2. little we know how to do it right. God leads and we follow the best we know. Sending love, hugs & prayer.

  3. oh, i've been praying for you so much. i'm going to add your girls to my "list" :-)

    love you!

  4. Sometimes you post things that bring me to tears... The quote at the beginning was another one of those things. I love you,

  5. Thanks so much for sharing that quote Leighann! I immediately sent it to two of my friends and I know it will be a huge encouragement to them. So sad to hear the news that you will be moving! Your whole wonderful family will be missed. The continual blog "lurker", :) Elisa
