Friday, December 16, 2011

Little Heaters

I'm not sure why but my kids are typically hot. The girls wear a t-shirt and their undies to bed no matter how much their father and I beg them to wear clothes. At our request they might start out with pjs on, but by morning, they're down to their skivies. Only recently have they started using a blanket. Like seriously, how do they not get cold?

The other night I was tucking Ainsley into bed but had too much to do still before my night was over. "Can daddy lay with you a little?" I asked. "No, he's like a big heater and makes me hot!" Ainsley said.

Even Ryan refuses to wear socks to bed and kicks his blanket off in the night.

Case in point - the other day was mild - probably in the 50s. The girls changed into shorts, t-shirts, and flip-flops upon arriving home from school then went outdoors to play.

They were not happy when I told them they needed pants and long-sleeved shirts with socks and shoes. No wonder they all have colds.


  1. Yikes those looks are totally saying Not happy campers! No matter what we tell Josiah he REFUSES to wear jammies, if he could he would just wear his "drawers" all day long LOL. We have a rule at home. No shirt no shorts NO FOOD, you have to be dressed to eat at the table.

  2. Seriously, what is it with kids? My daughter, Riley (5), changes into a short-sleeved shirt and shorts when she gets home from school while I'm freezing in a fleece, sweatshirt and fuzzy socks! Like your kiddos, she'll start out at night with warm pj's, but by morning, she'll have changed into her summer pj's. She always claims, "I'm never cold!" and I'm beginning to believe her.

  3. Just read an article on Foxnews about Pennsylvania boy defies odds. As I read, the names were all familiar and realized it was you all. Great article.....

  4. My little dude is only 17 months old but he's a little heat machine and always has been. Try putting a blanket over him while sleeping and in 30 seconds he will have it kicked off or wake up trying to. They just don't feel cold like we do!

  5. One of my granddaughters is always warm...or hot too. I am always asking her if she needs a coat. She always says no. Sometimes she will wear a little hoodie...but never a coat!

    This picture of the girls is funny! I had to laugh.

    My 58 yr. old brother who lives with us had a heart attack on Wednesday and a quad by-pass...and also found out he has diabetes. I will be taking care of him when he gets home from the hospital. But for now we take turns spending time with him at the hospital.

    Now his kidneys are not functioning properly, so they said last night he may need dialysis. I am kind of feeling overwhelmed. And so sad for him.

    And I don't know when I will have time to wrap gifts and do some baking. But I am sure it will all work out somehow. I have a wonderful husband who helps me so much! And a God who walks with me everyday! He never leaves me!

    Blessings to you and yours Leighann. Have a wonderful Christmas.

    Love, Linda

  6. Our "spicy" girl from Hunan, China is the same way. I've just about given up trying to get her to wear a coat when it's cold.

  7. i love this pic, it should be printed and framed!
