Monday, December 19, 2011

If I may...

I interrupt this holiday season to brag for just a minute if I may. My fridge is spotless. And it's not because of me.

Every nook and cranny.

Even the onion drawer.

My loving husband spent several hours this weekend cleaning every inch of our fridge. He took out every removable piece and washed it in warm soapy water.

He rocks!


  1. That is awesome! I love a clean frig. BTW- you should be getting a box from me any day. I mailed it Priority on Friday. Sorry it took so ling to get to the post office but you know what that is like:)

  2. WOW! That is on my to do list today. Sadly, I am the one that will be doing it.

    You rock Henry!!!

  3. I really need to do this too. How nice of Henry!

  4. Wow, way to go, Henry!!!!! That is awesome :)

  5. He learned from the best and I learned from the best, my Mommy. :)
