Monday, November 7, 2011

TRX Suspension Training Giveaway!!

I've been talking a lot about going to the Y and exercising and some of you are saying, "Yeah, great, but you stay home. You have tons of time to go to the gym. I don't have that time to commit." Well I have exciting news.

TRX, the makers of the TRX Suspension Training system generously offered to give one of my lucky readers a TRX Suspension Training Propack plus a TRX Door Anchor (over $200 in value).

If you haven't heard of the TRX, click here to check it out. It's a portable home gym system consisting of a simple strap assembly that you can do various strength training exercises on where ever you might be. With the addition of the door anchor you can even take it with you traveling (or decide not to bolt it to the wall of your home).

I was first introduced to the product at Natalie's school, but this product is used international by athletes, military personnel, and trainers alike. This is the perfect product for someone who doesn't have the time to drive to and from the gym and needs flexibility in their strength training regimen.

Here are the ways you can qualify for the giveaway. Comment separately for each action to receive multiple entries:

1) Comment telling me if you would use the TRX Suspension Training system for yourself. If you plan to gift it to someone, tell me who.

2) Facebook, blog, or tweet with a link to this giveaway and leave me a comment saying you did so.

3) Sign up as a follower of this blog. If you're already a follower, let me know.

I'll leave the giveaway open until Thursday at 11:00 p.m. EST. I'll announce the winner next Monday morning. This is an awesome giveaway so hurry and enter!! (make sure I have your email so I can contact you in case you win.)


  1. I would love to have one of these for our family. No time and no money for a gym, so this would be perfect :)

  2. I linked to the giveaway on your blog from facebook.

  3. I am now officially following your blog :) I have unofficially followed through my google reader for a couple years now.

  4. I would love this for me. I have been trying to lose weight for the second time after having my second child and would love this!!


  5. I would love to give this to Caitlyn to take away to college. Or better yet to my Mother-in-Law who just had quadruple bypass surgery this past summer. She no longer drives and could use this in her apartment instead of trying to get friends to drive her to the Y a few times per week.

  6. I want to give this system to my brother in law. He is a veteran who served 3 tours for us. Because of his tours, he postponed his education and is now a full-time medical student. He is an avid trail and marathon runner but now doesn't have time to devote to his passion. He would really use this system!

  7. I think My hubby and I would both use this, we have been taking about getting into better shape.

  8. I have followe you for some time now!! thanks for the giveaway!!

  9. I would so use this for myself. As a mom of 2 and working full time plus life in general i find it very hard to find time to go to the gym... this would be great for me..

    Lyndsey (

  10. I would love to win one for my husband and me to use.

  11. I have unofficially been following through google reader, but I made it official!

  12. I thought I was a follower...checked and signed in. I'd love to win the trainer. I just started back at Weight Watchers and this might just be the boost I need.

    Hopefully Canadians can qualify?

    Great contest!

  13. I'd love to give this to my little brother for christmas!

  14. I am a Google Reader subscriber-does that count for a second entry? Thanks!

  15. I would LOVE one of these! I've used it in my boot camp class and LOVE it. Actually, if I won, I would 'gift' it to my husband b/c I know he would really enjoy it!

  16. I am already subscribed to your blog :)

  17. I tweeted about this giveaway!

  18. I facebooked about this give away too!

  19. I'm already a follower of your blog.

  20. I would really love to win this. I desperately need to get myself in shape. I'm a thin person, but NOT in shape and need some motivation to start exercising regularly.

  21. My husband would love this! I would love that it doesn't take up the entire garage!

  22. My husband and I could both get some use out of this. We have been looking into gym memberships and home gyms and they are out of our budget.

  23. I am at home with our son and don't have much time to work out at the gym! My time working out outside is coming to a halt soon with cooler weather (Indiana). I love reading your blog and your upward and encouraging words!

  24. Oh my word, this would be perfect for my husband!!! He had rotor cuff surgery about a month ago and has been going to physical therapy to work on his range of motion. After this week he "graduates" and actually gets to start working on strenght training. He's going to do most of it from home (since our physical therapy co-pay is ridiculous)!! This would be a blessing for him!!

  25. My husband and I would both use this a ton!

  26. I would love to have one of these and I would use it,,,,not give it away...

  27. I am a long time follower of your blog! Enjoy watching your children grow up!!

  28. oh dear I forgot to give you my e-mail.

  29. I would love to win this to give to my friend who is helping me transofrmer my old body to what it is becoming today. 23lbs left to go.

  30. I would love one of these systems for myself. I hate going to the gym, so this would be a great way to work out at home!

  31. Also, I am now officially a follower of your blog! I have always enjoyed reading it, but not it's official!

  32. I would use it for myself, but share with Jason:)

  33. I posted it on facebook!

  34. I am a follower of your site:)

  35. I would use it for myself since our current schedules don't leave me much time to get out of the house for a workout.

  36. I would give it to my husband!
    amy plumlee

  37. and i am an official follower=-)

  38. i put it on my facebook page!

  39. I would love to have one of the TRX Suspension trainers. We live 30+ minutes to any town/gym/babysitters etc. It is not very realistic for me to get away for 2+ hours each day to get some exercise in.

  40. I linked the giveaway from you blog to my Facebook wall

  41. I have been following your blog for a while, but I subscribed!

    my email is

  42. I've heard of these and they sound pretty awesome. I would definitely use it for myself if I was lucky enough to win (and maybe share with husband too!) :)

  43. I'm a new follower (via google friend connect!)

  44. I would put this to good use. I am raising twin two year old boys and it is so hard to get to the pick up the boys from day care, go to the gym (only to put them in a daycare again), then go home make dinner, bath, bed, etc. Having this at home would just save our family a lot.
    I love this blog. I have been a follower for a long i love leighann (we went to Heritage together)..
    Heading now to share this on FB!
    Please pick me!!! THANKS!!!!

  45. I would love to have something like this for me and my husband. We are both starting weight loss programs and this will help a lot. We don't have much time left in the day for going to the gym so this would def. be up our alley.


  46. see how tired Iam!!! i cant even type...ITS HARD TO GET TO THE GYM!!!

  47. I can’t wait to get my trx bands, so I can start my trx training

  48. I would use it for myself. I often work-out at home & this would be awesome! :)

    calidreamin87 (at) gmail (dot) com

  49. Tweeted:!/calidreamin87/status/134750332864561152

    calidreamin87 (at) gmail (dot) com

  50. I follow on GFC via Twitter(Deanna G.)

    calidreamin87 (at) gmail (dot) com
