Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My new favorite snack

Henry and I made a pact that we'd abstain from as much processed sugar as possible now until the new year to help ward off the holidays pounds. Our only exceptions will be Thanksgiving day and Christmas day. I'm not sure I can do it, but I'm certainly going to try. After binging on Halloween candy most of last week, I'm ready for a little reprieve from sugar anyway, but going cold turkey is one of the crazier things I've done in my life. What can I say, I'm pretty tight-laced.

In trying to keep myself satisfied, I'm working on having food in the house that's delicious and nutritious. Here's one of my favorite new snacks and couldn't be easier to make. It consists of canned beets, crumbled goat cheese, and a sprinkling of arugula. Add a little salt and pepper to taste and you have a scrumptious dish.

What's your favorite snack that doesn't use processed sugar?


  1. This is super delicious...I love red beets!

  2. Ewwww beats....My mom just loves them so it brings back memories or hiding them so I didnt have to eat them.
    I like to mix cream cheese(full fat tastes much better) sliced green olives mix them togther and let it "Marry" and spread it on french bread or use as a dip with baby carrots.

  3. Hi! I found your blog through an update Willa Marquis put on Facebook. I guess I sorta grew up with your husband - I attended the Church of God and his family was related to families in that church. Anyway, I think your blog is beautiful and the salad is lovely, even though I hate beets! Good luck with your non-sugar quest!!!

  4. roast the raw beet and it will be even better... canned beets is easy but roasting them rocks

  5. Kiwi gold (much better than the green), frozen grapes and pistachio nuts are my healthy snack options.

  6. I love edamame, a salad pretty similar to yours, different sandwiches like roast beef/spinach/ feta cheese/olive oil or roast beef/lettuce/ tomato/ lettuce/ cilantro/ cheese/ spices/olive oil & balsamic vinaigrette all in a tortilla-- so yummy.

    Good luck with the sugar thing. It's so tough but so good.

  7. @anonymous: I love roasted beets. i thought of doing this with the salad, i agree it would be better. but would take way longer.... maybe next time. :)

  8. sorry. i got nothin'. i am a sugar addict :-)

  9. Does chocolate have processed sugar? ;D

  10. I just had to go cold turkey on processed sugar too, but mine is because I was just diagnosed with PCOS and my dr is concerned about diabetes since my labs are headed that direction. So low carb, low GI, vegetarian, high dietary fiber diet it is (and it really stinks because I'm a college kid. I mean what college kid is banned from having a dinner of ramen noodles? I mean really?!? Not that I ever liked them but still!)
    Currently my snacks consist of Kashi cereal, cheese, honey roasted carrots, and my favorite bagels. You can do just about anything to a bagel. And they have the whole grain ones that have 5g of dietary fiber which is fantastic for helping to lower your A1C. Also I learned that cinnamon makes a lot of stuff taste much better when you are use to having some sort of processed sugar on it, like oatmeal or sweet potatoes. And it boosts your metabolism too.
