Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Humor {with a CHD}

This past weekend I went to a baby shower for my cousin, Richelle. While playing a game listing baby items from A to Z, I thought it'd be fun to do a version using items associated with having a baby in the hospital. And admitting this out loud, on a blog, has to signify I have some sort of sickness.

So for giggles, here are the two versions.


  1. Cute. Now you know your ABC's, next time I will sing with thee.

  2. Very cute, we have to find the humor in it somewhere right! :)

  3. I'm impressed! You're not sick, just extremeley knowledgable in an are where you shouldn't be!

  4. Oh I can relate all too well. It's not sick - just realistic.

    Debbie, southern York County, PA

  5. Ha. My NICU co-workers and I will do that at showers that we hold for each other - we vary from only being able to use medical terms, to not being able to use any at all! (that one is much harder for us!)
