Friday, May 20, 2011

Random number seven

This is where I tell you everything that's been bouncing around in my head all week. It's up to you what you do with it.

1. The cards my mother-in-law ordered for me from Thirty One Products came in Thursday. I LOVE them. I had a hard time deciding whether to give Ryan red or blonde hair since it seems to change with lighting and clothing color. I decided on red. I'm glad.

2. Ainsley likes to brush Ryan's teeth. He doesn't seem to mind it either.

3. The one good thing about Henry traveling during the week is I'm able to indulge in raw onions. Love them, but hate how they make my mouth smell. I have four more weeks to enjoy them and then they are dead to me.

4. Drove two hours (one way) to spend two hours with these ladies. They are the people of the book. Is that a book title? The People of the Book? Sorry got distracted (squirrel!). Dottie is home for two weeks so everyone decided to meet for lunch. In between getting Ryan's blood work done and taking him to the pediatrician and a million other things on Thursday, I squeezed in this trip. Why? Because I'm moving four hours away so I'm not sure the next time I'll be able to run up for lunch during a school day. I love these ladies. We were only missing mom and Amy.

5. Speaking of Dottie, we made these brownies last week when she came to see me. They are the bomb. But Ree is right... wait til they're cold. They're much better that way.

6. I'm so grateful for the spring time. I love looking outside and seeing all the green with colorful flowers. It makes me happy. The only bad part is my legs are ghostly white which makes me not want to wear shorts or skirts. But really, how am I supposed to get any color if I keep them covered up? Oh what a dilemma. And no! I'm not showing a picture of my legs.

7. Last, but not least, in fact probably the most important, is that Ryan is scheduled for a routine heart catheterization on Monday. It's hard to believe but his last cath was May 20, 2010, an entire year ago. The plan is to have him in and out the same day. We are also hoping to have the G-tube pulled.

Any randomness floating around in your brain that you'd like to share? You can participate in Seven Quick Takes at Conversion Diary by clicking here.

p.s. The drawing Ainsley did was of Despereaux.


  1. Loved the randomness of this post.

    Hope the heart cath goes well and that the G-tube can be pulled.

    My niece sells Thirty-One Products...they have cute things.

    Cute picture of Ainsley brushing Ryans teeth. It is nice that you have some little helpers! (:>)

    Glad you had time with your friends. Oh, and Ainsley's picture was cute. I knew it was supposed to be Despereaux!

    Love, Linda

  2. Love the cards... good to take some time with good friends and laugh and have fun!

  3. Praying Ryan's heart cath goes well!

  4. those cards are Kute (cute with a K apparently means it's that much cuter--who knew, right?)

    I love all the random musings

    I loved that lunch all together and those brownies were pretty good.

    I told all the people at my new work last night that my name was Dottie and they all loved it. Made me feel good about the switch

    I'm glad the cath went well and I'm sorry about the white legs. One side of my body is tanner because of driving in the sun for 8 hours haha
