Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's finally here....

Does anyone remember this incident?

She's been waiting a long time for this day.


  1. Haha the joys of barber shop!! Her braided hair looks so cute! yay!! :)

  2. Hooray! I bet you are BOTH excited!

  3. Oh yes...I do remember that post when they were playing beauty shop and cut her hair. They really did a job. Most kids just cut their bangs...but hers was all the way around and all jagged! Ha!

    I did think it looked adorable when you got it fixed at the real beauty shop though! She looked like a little pixie.

    Isn't life fun when ya have kids? (smile

    Love, (again) Linda

  4. Yes, I remember that post as well. And the look on their faces when you took the pictures to post it. So glad its growing out.

  5. I love her hair pulled back. I wish I knew how to french braid. I need to learn this summer since Savannah will be going to Kinder next year and its so hot here.

  6. will you teach me how to braid?

    her hair is cute!

  7. Marmi LOVES Ainsley's French braid!!!
