Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Ainsley is just now putting together that the meat we eat at dinner comes from living things. The other day she said, "Mom, what animal are chips made from?"

At the hockey game a few weeks ago when the first fight broke out, the guys were locked into each other pulling at each other's arms, etc. The one player grabbed the end of the other player's sleeves so suddenly their arms were moving in tandem. Natalie, having never seen a fight in her life, said, "What are they doing? Dancing?" I couldn't help but laugh.

Ainsley often finds things to cry about. The other day she was wailing her little eyes out. I said, "Sweetie, what are you crying about?" She said, "Boys are better than girls! Waaaaaaaa!" Appalled I said, "Why are boys better?" Her eyes grew big as she said, "They never forget and wear fancy shoes and a dress to gym class!" "Boys don't wear fancy shoes or dresses. They aren't better because they remember not to wear them. They're not better at all. Their wardrobe is just limited." At this she smiled.


  1. Loved it! Your girls seem like very special young ladies! Love reading your post!

  2. Those girls! I miss seeing them in their fancy shoes and dresses saying funny things.
