We met our goal for Girl Scout Cookies.... Ainsley's troop set their goal at 30 boxes each and Natalie's troop set theirs at 60 boxes. I know this is probably low for some troops, but this is our family's first year so I am glad for the chance to ease into this experience.
I'm happy to say, as of last night, we met the goal for both girls. We are two boxes short of Natalie's goal, but since we plan to order a few boxes for our family I'm not worried about it. When I told the girls we were done selling due to hitting our goal Natalie said, "We can sell more than our goal, mom."
"Yes, dear. I know." I said.
Great. I've got an overachiever on my hands..... so if you're in the Pittsburgh area and still want to order, email me... We deliver mid - February. Orders are due next week.
Girl Scout cookies are dangerous in more ways than one! Congrats on meeting the goal so quickly.
ReplyDeleteI love the picture! (and the girl) :-)