Friday, December 30, 2011

On the Eve.

On the eve of New Year's Eve, it's time to talk about resolutions. Are you making them? I'm on the fence which probably means I'm not! It's just too much hassle. Traditionally I'm all for goal-making. I think goals push us to attain growth.... that without goals we typically stagnate. But somehow I'm not that motivated to make a whole list of things I need to do this year. But if I were going to make changes in 2012, it would be to read more, write more, and eat better. General enough for you?! How about you guys? Any resolutions?


  1. Eat better...move deeply!

    Grow closer to the Lord!!!

  2. Mine is pretty much enjoy life as it happens celebrate every moment good/bad & be thankful while doing so & grow closer to Jesus :-) Happy NEW Year, Leighann! :)

  3. On this New Years Eve we celebrate Josiah's birthday or what we call him our tax break baby LOL.

    Not doing any resoutlitons but I will be doing a Daniel fast I am not sure if I will do it for more then one week, I guess the time will be the Lords. (our church is having 1 week of prayer and fasting)

  4. I reecho Linda's (first comment). AND to Seek more healing and growth.

  5. I've adopted the word of the year rather than resolutions, this is my 3rd year and it is a pretty stress-free route to take, provides lots of opportunitiy for daily growth and reflection.
