Monday, November 28, 2011

Holiday cards.. yes or no.

Tiny Prints is running a Twelve Days of Ollie sweepstakes to help celebrate the Christmas season. Go to their facebook page here and click on the Win a Trip to Jamaica link on the left nav bar to enter for the grand prize.

To order cards to send out this holiday season, go to their holiday card order page here and select the style you want. I looked around this weekend and found a couple different options. They offer traditional cards or the photo cards that are so popular these days. There are a few different ones I liked and can't decide if I want to do the family pic (with Natalie not looking)

...or one with just the kids. I might have someone take a new family photo and try to fit it on a different style. They have some awesome ones to choose from.

Do you send cards out for Christmas? Do you send out a family pic or just ones of the kids?

Disclaimer: I was compensated for this post, but the opinions and pictures are my own.


  1. Cute cards. I like both of them. But the family one is my favorite.

    I love sending and receiving Christmas cards. When I was a kid I always helped my Momma do the cards and I loved it. Then when we would receive cards I would string them across the windows and doorways, and I had fun reading each one and looking at the pretty pictures on each one.

    So, ever since I have been an adult and had a family of my own, I have continued Momma's tradition of doing cards.

    I know some people don't do them anymore...but to me they are a big part of Christmas! (:>)

    Love, Linda

  2. I love the one of the kids alone. We normally do a card with the kids pics as we don't have a family one to use typically. Might try the self timer on my camera and do a family shot for it this year. Good luck!

  3. Yes we do, but it's always just the kids (and last year, the pets too, lol :))
    If you have a moment have a look at my blog, I have posted all the cards I ever made (my twins are now 6)

    Uhm, sorry my blog is in Greek though, since you know.. I am Greek :)

    However I've made all of those myself as I am pretty ok with graphic design and I print them either at home or an online service :)

    I also give our to the grandparents, each year, calendars featuring my favorite photos of the boys each year :)

    Love your blog!!!

  4. Love your cards! We send out cards every year - I love to send them and to write a short, personal message on each one. I delight in receiving them too and I have to admit I really dislike the e-cards people send. They usually aren't personal and are mass emailed, why bother? (just my opinion).
    I usually take a picture of the kids to send out, Ben and I never make the cut :)

  5. I send cards every year. They are a part of Christmas!! We do the photo cards and sometimes it's all of us, sometimes just the boys (I have 2). This year it will be a family pic and a pic of the boys from our family pic photo session we did in October. One of my favorite holiday traditions!!!

  6. I just ordered photo cards last night! I just did the kids because getting a decent (I'm not even going for good!) picture of the four of them is nigh impossible. Maybe in a few years I'll manage a group shot!

    But I think all the cards you made look great! Hard decision for sure! But if you can't decide, how about half of each?

  7. We have been mailing out Christmas photo cards every year for 30 years. Most were of just the kids, but now we send family portraits including our son-in-law and granddaughter! Before Blogs and FB, this was a great way for out of town friends and family to "see" the kids!

    Annapolis, MD

  8. I vote for the second one down. Very cute of all of you & natalie looking away just adds to the charm of the picture. (This was a vote, right? :))
