Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A day in the life....

It's Monday morning, but this will post Tuesday, because I just posted about our weekend. I wish you could be a fly on our wall at this very moment. Ryan is sitting on my lap saying, "name." He wants me to spell his name while he 'writes' it. He sees the girls doing this all the time. When I say the letters he repeats them and scribbles (this time on my checkbook register). He's simultaneously taking pictures with my camera. Oh how I love the digital age. I will delete the 50 pictures he just took of the table and my arm later.

Ainsley is in the basement yelling up the stairs asking how to spell things. Sometimes I can't understand her and she has to come up and act her word out. (charades!) Horse and heart had me stumped. But I understood Octopus. "Mom, how many legs does an octopus have?" I know she's down there drawing... anyone know a good art teacher in Pittsburgh? "Mom, how do you spell donkey?"

My list from last week did not get finished. I had a feeling it wouldn't. But I did get a lot more completed than I thought. There's a new list this week that includes cleaning the house top to bottom. We'll see how far I get on that one!

Ryan is sick. He has a cold so no YMCA for us this week. I've been going 4 days a week for the last three weeks. It was the treadmill for me this morning before kids woke up. Can't remember the last time I showered at home before 9 o'clock on a weekday.

Okay, time to get started on cleaning. Yuck!

1 comment:

  1. Yes I did see the picture with your head cut off... our guys sure know how to take pictures, huh....lol

    I am amazed at your hard work, working out.... you are a rock star!!!! Praying your little guy feels better soon!!!
