Friday, September 2, 2011

Random Friday

Friends coming into town for the weekend. Can't wait.

In preparation, today I unpacked more bins out of the master bedroom, put away clutter, vacuumed top floor, cleaned two bathrooms, made NY no-knead sourdough bread, made chocolate peanut butter pretzel balls (say that five time fast), and did at least 5 loads of laundry. The girls are home from school and will help put away the laundry. Henry just pulled up... yea! We can start moving all the furniture back into place since the hardwood is finally down. The trim still needs painted and put back on and the guy's still working in the kitchen, but at least by tonight we should not be walking on any subflooring! Whoo hoo!

Hope you guys have a great holiday weekend. We're eager to show our good friends around our new hood.


  1. Have fun with your friends.

    PS- you exhaust me and make me feel like the worst SAHM ever, LOL! =)

  2. @ Kristi G - I exhausted me today too. I'm laying in my bed until the guests get here in an hour because I'm beat. This is NOT my typical day. My in-laws were here and took the kids to the store for an hour this morning and then Ryan slept two hours instead of one. It gave me way more time to get things done. Most days I'm happy to get one thing checked off the list. :)

  3. It is always fun to show off the Burg to friends and family...we enjoyed our tour guide roles for the ten years we lived there! I see you are picking up the lingo ("the trim still needs painted")! Are you Steeler and Penguin fans, yet?

    Annapolis, MD
