Thursday, August 11, 2011

You know you're a blogger when.

You know you're a blogger when you:

1) Take pictures of every single thing you do in case you decide to blog about it later.

2) Try to put a hyperlink in a word document.

3) Find yourself saying to your kids, "C'mon guys, smile nice for the internet."

4) Ask your two-year old if he wants cheese, the first thing he does is smile really big and cock his head to the side in a professional pose.

5) Realize the word "post" no longer refers to mail, wooden supports or a cereal brand.

6) Say in the middle of a conversation, "I feel a post coming on."

7) Have a conversation with someone you haven't spoken with for a couple of weeks or even years and they talk about the latest thing in your life as if you spoke yesterday... and you don't skip a beat.

8) Get emails from strangers that start with "I'm really not a stalker..."

9) Meet people who introduce themselves by saying, "You don't know me but..."

10) Your grandparents correct your mother on the specifics of your life by saying, "Didn't you read the blog?!"

Couldn't help but share the picture Natalie took of Ryan the other day. Have a great Thursday.


  1. Whew look at them chomper's, he's going to be a eating machine.

  2. oops forgot to add Ryan is growing so fast, such a handsome little man.

  3. :) oh my ...Ryan is growing up so much!! where did the time go...

    :D lol - awesome post - I can totally relate! - I would just add:
    you know you're a blogger when:
    - after asking your friends to smile for a photo everyone says in unison "only if you won't post it on your blog"!

    and sometimes when I write too much on my blog, my head just doesn't switch back from English and I start all my sentences with " see..." etc. (to explain that, I should say that I write my blog in English, but we speak Slovak in here) :D

    -great post! love it!

  4. I'm not a stalker but....I can't not get enough of pictures of Ryan!! Love, love, love his smile!! Natalie may becoming like her mom with her awesome abilities to capture a "kodak moment."

  5. that picture just made me smile!

  6. oh, oops, that last anonymous post was me....

  7. That picture is ridonkulously adorable.

  8. I love that, "I'm not a stalker but..." I have done that before!! Love it!

    You know you're a blogger when:
    - you start calling your kids by the names you have given them on your blog instead of their real names!

    Have a great day!

  9. Oh my goodness...I'm definitely a blogger. Though the blog has suffered lately. Cracking up about the grandparents comment b/c that has happened to my mom more than once.
