Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Finding our way around.

Saturday night we headed out to a local park where there was a free jazz concert followed by an old black and white movie called Double Indemnity. We took dinner in the form of cheese, grapes, strawberries, almonds, pepperoni and Italian bread. Delish!

Ryan got a little impatient while waiting for more cheese and took matters into his own hands.

The kids did the obligatory blog pose.

Natalie said about the movie, "Hey! Why is everything black and gray?"

As darkness fell a strange phenomenon happened. Seriously. I've never had this happen before. Henry and I were lying on the blanket, Ryan was rolling around playing beside us, the girls were running around on the hill behind us and I saw a few mosquitoes mulling around. Next thing I know there is a swarm (and I'm not exaggerating) of them flying over my head.... and they keep getting lower and lower toward the blanket. It's so bad I start swinging Ainsley's stuffed duck around my body to keep them away. They were not near anyone else! Not even Henry and Ryan. We ended up leaving to get away from the swarm. We forgot bug spray and I wasn't about to let 30 angry mosquitoes eat me alive.

Next time we're bringing combat supplies.

1 comment:

  1. Aww!!! everything sounded so great till the mosquitos attacked you:(
